Tanaduk's news from 25 October 2018


The NEWS of ANO "TANDUK" No. 13 /October 25 2018/

  1. LECTURES BY RINCHEN TENZIN. The first notebook of lectures came out.
    If you any have questions about the content and design, please write tanaduk108@mail.ru. Comments, suggestions and other constructive criticism are welcome. Notebook No. 1 can be purchased at the link https://sorig108.com/ru/knigi/tetrad-01-lekcii-geshe-tenzina for 380 RUB including post costs.
  1. DONATIONS - the structure of financing of "Tanaduk" projects for today is following:
    1). For organization costs (registration, taxes, site support, salary for secretary and accountant, etc.), requires a monthly about 27,000 RUB monthly. In October, it is lacking 3600 RUB. I ask you to support the organization. This can be done by the link https://tanaduk108.com/campaign/orgrashody-18-10/
    2). We either try to make the rest of the projects self-supporting (as a project of publications lectures by Rinchen Tenzin) or we ask you to participate. To do this, a window of the payment system is installed on the page of each project. The process of transferring money is no different from paying for any ordinary purchase in the Internet, but you determine the amount of transfer by manually changing the size of the donation by yourself. In addition to payment on the website, donations can be transferred to the card of Sberbank 4276 8550 1507 0630 Shirshova Elena Gennadyevna. This card is only used to collect Tanaduk funds. If you send the money not to the organization costs, and for another project – write in the comments the name of the project.
  1. ENCYCLOPEDIA SOWA RIGPA -sorig.info.This website works in English and Russian. Now it is time to fill the site with new articles.
    The article glo bur rma (wounds) is ready to be placed in the section "DISEASES". We ask one or more kind people to pay the costs of this article preparation — 1000 RUB at the link   https://tanaduk108.com/campaign/statja-glo-bur-rma-rany/ . If a larger sum of money would collected, we will send it to pay for the next articles of the same project. The names of the donators will be listed on the website, if they do not request otherwise.
  1. PUBLICATION of "Four Tantras". The scanning of Four Tantras text with comments to it is not finished yet. We are in the process of discussing a contract for the use of the English text with Men-Tsee-Khang. As soon as the contract is signed, we will post it on the website.
  1. TRANSLATION of THE RECIPE BOOK of Dr. Dava. Sergei Shirshov and Konstantin Rukosuev started the translation of the respected recipe book. While the project does not require investments.
  1. We congratulate the Agin Buddhist Academy on the acquisition of a magnificent library of Tibetan Medicine in Tibetan. This are 60 volumes of "Tibetan Medicine Compendium" and 30 volumes of collection of rare manuscript of Tibetan Medicine from Potala Palace, facsimile edition. We hope for fruitful cooperation in the fielf of the translation and publication of these books.

Elena Shirshova
25th October 2018

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